Showing 5 Result(s)

Personal Leadership: Leading self before leading others

Personal leadership is to apply the principles of leadership that make a business a success … to yourself. It is so critical that the renowned management guru, Peter Drucker once called it “the only leadership that’s going to matter in the 21st century.” The current VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex & ambiguous) environment amplifies the need …

Mixing it up (Interleaving) to boost learning

Traditionally, we have used block practice to gain knowledge or skills. Block practice means that if we have to learn 3 closely related concepts or skills A, B & C, we learn and practice them as AAABBBCCC. In #interleaving practice, another strategy of #learning which is catching the attention of cognitive researchers, the skills or …

Change the way networking is done!

Honestly, I hate #networking events. I had done the rounds in 2008 when I started selling L&D solutions. I heard the same speeches by the same people. I had followed up with people who on stage claimed that training was a critical success factor for their business growth and yet none of them put significant …

How to use voice for a high impact presentation?

Mehrabian’s study points out that voice accounts for 38% of the total communication. Doesn’t it make sense to be cognizant of the fact and deliberately work on voice quality? The elements that make up voice quality are: Tone Pitch Inflection Pace Volume Enunciation Pronunciation Use your voice to conquer your audiences.. #LearningwithLarks #LarksLearning #Presentationskills