Showing 13 Result(s)

The BIG 9 myths about sexual harassment

Sexual Harassment is a burning issue and the Government of India has brought out “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013” to address the issue. When we conduct workshops sensitizing employees about what constitutes sexual harassment, these sessions can be minefields. We encounter prejudice, misunderstanding and ignorance. And this …

No 1 survival skill in the 21st century – ability to synthesize

“Information overload” a term popularized by Alvin Toffler in his bestselling 1970 book “Future Shock”; 40 years ago has taken new gargantuan proportions with the advent of web 2.0 technologies. Today no longer is information creation limited to a few but has become the arena of the many. While information is exploding, the capacity of …

Why stories / narratives can improve your training?

Throughout history all cultures have used the power of storytelling to instruct, inspire, caution etc. As young children we have sat rapt on our mother’s knee as she shared stories with us. Because of this familiarity we sometimes overlook the fact that stories / tales or narratives are very powerful and sophisticated means of #learning. …